Minggu, 10 April 2011

Diet antidiabetes

Type-2 diabetes is a disease caused by lifestyle. Complications of this disease brings deadly disease package. However, this highly preventable disease, one of them through diet.

1. Eat small portions

How to eat like this reduces the number of calories that enter the body. Learn the number of servings recommended by nutritionists for each food.

2. Reduce fat

Avoid high fat foods and use less oil when frying or sauteing. If possible, use a healthier cooking oil. Do not use oil for frying several times.

3. Limit sources of saturated fat / trans fat

Food sources of saturated fats eg fatty meats, fried food, full cream, cakes, candies, biscuits, pastries, margarine, and many more. Choose salad dressings that are more healthy as olive oil.

4. Expand fiber

Sources can be found in cereal fiber made from 100 percent wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread.

5. Expand vegetables and fresh fruit

Eat a variety of vegetables and fruit every day. Choose fruits and vegetables fresh. Make a 100 percent fruit juice from fresh. Do not added sugar because the fruit was quite sweet. Eat dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and nuts.

6. Limit sweet

If possible, avoid fruit-flavored drinks, soda, tea, and coffee is very sweet. Sugar in the drinks was very high. This is what makes the stomach so distended.

7. Reduce salt

Use less salt when cooking. If possible, do not add salt at the dinner table anymore. Avoid sources of hidden salt, such as pickles, processed meats, canned vegetables.
READ MORE - Diet antidiabetes

Senin, 04 April 2011

Raw Food Diet, Is it safe?

Eating raw food (raw food) is now the choice of certain people. Selected types of food are grains, vegetables, nuts, fruit, and so forth.

Currents that underlie the outbreak pengonsumsian food is still raw, it is a concept that says the human body is not designed to accept food that has been cooked.

Food that has been through the cooking process is also called've lost nutritional elements that are not healthy anymore. Raw foods are also believed to remove toxins from the body naturally.

Some raw food diet adherents also believe that this diet can lose weight, make the skin healthier and fitter body.

However, there are fears of this diet, namely the existence of bacteria and pesticides that may still be stuck in the food ingredients.

With ground water conditions like now, I do not recommend the raw food diet, raw food unless it is washed first with boiled water.

Idrus also rejected a suggestion that mention cooked food can eliminate food nutrients.

If the vegetable is boiled, which would change only the element of vitamin C, but not so much missing. Except if boiled until soft.
READ MORE - Raw Food Diet, Is it safe?

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Green Tea To Prevent Flu

Drinking a cup of hot green tea which turned out to prevent the flu.

Green tea also has a great ability to block the flu virus. In addition, green tea is also beneficial erode the bad fats and healthier blood vessels and heart.

Scientists from the Department of Drug Evaluation & Informatics, Shizuoka University of Japan who claim the benefits of green tea to control the flu virus. Researchers led by Dr Hiroshi Yamada MD PD involves several nurses at the hospital to test the efficacy of antioxidants in green tea.

A group of nurses are given a pill containing 378 milligrams of catechins (equivalent to 2 cups of green tea) and 210 milligrams of theanine (equivalent to 4 cups). Group of nurses is taking six capsules each day for 5 months, while the other group is given a capsule containing a placebo.

As a result, green tea supplementation is quite significant in improving the body's resistance to flu. Only 4 percent of the group given green tea supplements have the flu, while the other group reached 13 percent.

"Catechin can bind the influenza virus. This can prevent the virus penetrate healthy cells in your body and stop it so as not to become mature, "said Yamada who published his findings in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Theanine is also believed to provide the same protection against the body's immunity, but the researchers are unsure how the mechanism.

Yamada confirmed, to receive the benefits of green tea, you do not need to take in large amounts every day. You can also maximize the usefulness to only drink two cups every day.

To feel the maximum usefulness, Yamada gave a few suggestions:

  1. Must be green tea, although other types of tea had higher levels of theanine is not much different, Dr Yamada confirmed that green tea is the most widely contains catechins that would be optimal in preventing the flu. If you do not like green tea, white tea or oolong tea is pretty good choice for an alternative.
  2. Buy in bulk. Experts say, in general, tea in bulk form has a concentration of antiflu than tea that has been in the form of bag / bags.
  3. Brewed and serve hot. Brewing tea in a longer time and in high temperatures will increase the concentration of catechins, although the original content is difficult to measure. Be sure to brew at least within 1 to 2 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius, or 3 to 5 minutes with a temperature of 140 degrees (hot but drinkable).

If you really do not like tea, consider green tea supplements mengomsumsi complex which implies almost the same as in a glass of tea catechins. Research experts from the University of California found that green tea supplements can maintain the positive effects of green tea drinking habits.
READ MORE - Green Tea To Prevent Flu